The Art of Bringing All In

22nd May 2024 Berenice Roch
Article Authors

Berenice Roch

Berenice is a Talent Leader with 20 years of international experience in driving strategic growth, identifying and developing leadership capabilities, and transforming organizations globally through a holistic approach to leadership development. She currently serves as the Executive Director for Recruitment and Talent Management at Viking Cruises. Her international career spans leading local, regional, and global teams in multiple locations across diverse industries ranging from FMCG to Life Sciences, Chemical, and Finance.

I recently embarked on a new journey with Viking Cruises as the Executive Director for Recruitment and Talent Management. To fast-track my integration, I've dedicated most of my time to getting to know the teams - not just those who work directly with me, but all the teams I support or partner with. Starting a new job is a thrilling yet challenging endeavor, especially in a new industry. It requires both your heart and mind.

So, what's my focus during the first 90 days?

**Build Relationships**: I aim to build trust and strong relationships with my team, peers, and other leaders. This involves understanding their roles, strengths, and challenges.

**Understand the Company Culture**: I've spent time observing, asking questions, and learning about the company’s values, norms, and practices.

**Develop a Clear Plan**: This plan includes my goals, strategies, and key priorities to stay focused and organized.

As I navigate this new environment, learning, understanding, building connections, and forming a team, I find myself reflecting on the lessons learned from my previous roles, especially the work led by one of my partners at Human Edge. In her book, The Human Edge Advantage, Lisa Daniels emphasizes the importance of bringing one’s full self, including vulnerabilities, to the workplace to create authentic connections at both emotional and cognitive levels.

To be a strong leader, it’s about having the courage to open one’s mind by sharing all one’s heart. It’s about being humble enough to learn, collaborate, and honor the value each team member brings.

I am committed to creating a space that unleashes the team’s collective creativity and problem-solving abilities. This involves cultivating an environment where team members feel safe to take risks, share ideas, and think outside the box.

Building rapport and trust is instrumental in bringing out the best in your team. By listening and responding with kindness and tolerance, everyone feels seen and included. This fosters a culture of participation where everyone feels free to contribute their unique talents, leading to limitless opportunities.

I constantly remind myself that true leadership requires more than just logical thinking; it also necessitates connecting with the heart and the gut. Focusing on genuine inclusivity while encouraging everyone to fearlessly contribute ideas leads to courageous new possibilities. Out-of-the-box thinking becomes the norm, and authentic co-creation leads to boundless possibilities.

So, what is your secret for successfully building a culture of trust to unleash your team’s power? I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. Let’s learn and grow together.

If you are interested in knowing more about you, your leadership style and how to maximize your potential, here are some links that might be interesting

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