De-globalisation – the new normal?

  • 25th October 2023
  • Swiss Re, Mythenquai 50/60, 8002 Zurich
  •  06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
  • Physical

Event Detail Information

To get the price of CHF 55 for the ticket,  on the BSCC registration site, start registration as non-member but add the discount code: BSCCGuest, this will apply a CHF 30 discount.  

De-globalisation - the trend away from increasing global interconnectedness as a result of political, social and economic issues that have emerged over the past decade.  

In recent years, the business landscape has been marked by seismic shifts and unprecedented challenges. From the disruptive impact of Brexit and escalating U.S. tariffs to the growing skepticism of policymakers and politicians toward free trade, companies worldwide have been forced to navigate treacherous waters.

The resilience of supply chains has been tested like never before, with the pandemic and the Ukraine conflict laying bare the vulnerabilities in global value chains when exposed to geopolitical risks.

In the midst of this transformative era, we pose a critical question:

Has de-globalisation become the new normal for businesses?

We at the BSCC are perfectly positioned to bring together a select panel of experts from cross industry to share their insights, learnings and reflections of the past few years and how de-globalisation has, and is, affecting their daily business, actions and planning.  

We will ask our experts to share their thoughts on:

  • Are businesses hindered in their growth by restrictions in the flow of goods, services and people?
  • Is the innovation potential limited and their ability of international cooperation curtailed?
  • Are geopolitical risks taking centre stage on their business risk spectrum?

It is a pleasure to welcome you to this Greater Zurich Area Chapter event, as we partner with Swiss Re as our generous host and event sponsor Loyens & Loeff.  It is a pleasure to welcome you all on behalf of Jerome Jean Haegeli, our host for the evening, alongside our President, Dame Inga Beale.

Guests can enjoy networking and an Apéro Riche at the end of the event.  We encourage you to book early.

Event Schedule

06:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Guests Arrive and Welcome Drink

06:30 PM - 06:35 PM

Swiss Re Welcome Address by Jerome Jean Haegeli

06:35 PM - 06:45 PM

Opening Remarks by Dame Inga Beale

06:35 PM - 07:30 PM

Moderated Panel Discussion

07:30 PM - 07:50 PM


07:50 PM - 08:00 PM

Vote of Thanks by BSCC

08:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Apéro Riche & Networking

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