Investment Roundtable 33 - Macro Analysis of Asia with a Focus on Vietnam and India

  • 17th July 2024
  • Zoom
  •  12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
  • Virtual

Event Detail Information

Video Gallery


Presentation- Bellecapital
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Presentation- India Equity
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Event Schedule

12:00 - 12:05

Introduction and Review last Roundtable

Dr. Marc-André Schauwecker, President, SAMBA

12:05 - 12:25


Chrys Kamber, Former Fund Manager India Equity

  • Post-Election Economic Outlook
  • Investment Themes for the Coming Years
  • Sustaining India’s Bull Market

12:25 - 12:50

Presentation of Bellecapital

Marco Guldener, Client Relationship Manager, Bellecapital

  • Macro update and outlook on China & Vietnam
  • Cherry picking in Asia – where (not) to be!

12:50 - 13:00

Status SAMBA Portfolio Flex / Asset Allocation / Discussion

Mr. Markus Kaeser, SIS Group AG / all

  • Feedback from the last Investment Core Group meeting
  • What did we change during the last weeks in the SAMBA Flex Portfolio?
  • Discussion & your proposals to improve the SAMBA Portfolio Flex allocation